Supporting Maternal Health: SHR Joins Forces with SHX in Program Rollout

At Social Health Research (SHR), we're thrilled to announce our unwavering support for the groundbreaking initiative launched by the Social Health X Foundation (SHX) to revolutionize maternal health. As SHX unveils its strategic partnerships with New Jersey Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) programs, aimed at tackling alarming maternal mortality rates, SHR stands shoulder to shoulder with them in this pivotal endeavor.

In collaboration with dedicated NJ WIC nutritionists and health educators, SHX is pioneering a holistic approach to maternal care, focusing on preemptive measures to combat hypertension-related complications during pregnancy. Through the distribution of SHX PressureCare Kits and personalized guidance from WIC professionals, mothers are empowered to take proactive steps towards safeguarding their health and the well-being of their unborn babies.

At SHR, we recognize the transformative potential of this initiative and are excited to lend our support to SHX in its program rollout. By leveraging our research expertise and resources, we aim to amplify the impact of SHX's efforts, driving meaningful change in maternal health outcomes across New Jersey and beyond.

As we embark on this collaborative journey, we invite individuals and organizations alike to join us in championing maternal health and equity. Together, let's pave the way for a future where every mother receives the care and support she deserves, ensuring brighter, healthier tomorrows for generations to come.

For more information about SHX's maternal health program or opportunities to get involved, visit


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